We serve adults living with developmental disabilities. CONNECTING people to resources, opportunities and community, in ways that empower is our passion! Our in-person and virtual services ensure that all have access to many amazing opportunities. Together Everyone Achieves More!!
Join us for one of our many community events, we would be privileged to have you!
We endeavor to provide opportunities to the individuals we serve and employers alike.
Each individual is unique! We encourage everyone to attempt all things and if they need assistance, our trained staff will help with the goal so that they can complete the task independently in the future.
An organized effort to fulfill each individual's fullest potential. We recognize and embrace differences and we assist each person specifically with their goals and interests in mind.
Age appropriate, functional and in a naturally occurring environment. We base our activities, classes, and events after these three components.
We empower each individual to learn the living skills they need to live fulfilled and meaningful lives.
Obtain an official referral to us by contacting the Central Valley Regional Center